Core Portfolios
Automated investment management
Core Portfolios makes investing easier. Our team of professionals paired with automated technology takes care of the day-to-day investing, keeping you on track. If your goals ever change, it’s easy to adjust your strategy. Plus, you can use tax-loss harvesting to potentially lower your tax bill.
Decided a managed portfolio is right for you?
Open yours in a few easy steps.

Customized to you
Create a plan that fits your goals. Tell us where you’d like to be, and we’ll do the rest. Your investment strategy can be customized with socially responsible investments and more.
Sit back and let us do the work
We’re hands on so you can be hands off. Track your progress online anytime or through monthly reports. And if your goals change, we can easily adjust your investment strategy.

Built to help you reach your goals
We'll build a diversified portfolio with investments that are handpicked by our team of experts and that seek to provide optimal returns based on your goals and risk tolerance. Our advanced technology then monitors and automatically updates your portfolio to keep your goals on track.
What you get with Core Portfolios
Please note that while Core Portfolios does the investing on your behalf, it cannot tell you whether a managed account is right for you.

A customized portfolio
We’ll help you with an investment strategy that has the potential to grow with you.

Monitored to keep you on track
We’ll track your investments every day and rebalance to help meet your goals.

Help whenever you need it
We are always on hand to give you any support you may need.

A long-term investing strategy
We'll help you reach your goals with a diversified portfolio that stays aligned with your preferred risk tolerance.

Get the E*TRADE Mobile app
Check your progress over time, make updates, and stay in control of your money with our mobile app.